+7 903 138 78 79
Conducting on-site and
Documentary GMP audits
Conducting on-site and
Documentary GMP audits

Conducting on-site and
Documentary GMP audits

+7 903 138 78 79
Ensuring compliance with quality standards

GMP audits (Good Manufacturing Practice) are a key tool to ensure that pharmaceutical companies meet established quality standards. GMP audits evaluate manufacturing processes and quality control systems to ensure that products are safe and effective.

What are GMP audits?

Why are GMP audits necessary?

  1. Compliance with legal requirements: GMP audits are a mandatory requirement of many international and national regulators such as FDA (USA), EMA (European Union) and others. Companies that fail to pass these audits can face serious legal and financial consequences, including product recalls and fines.
  2. Product Quality Assurance: Audits help identify and correct potential problems in the manufacturing process, resulting in better quality products and safer products for consumers.
  3. Increased consumer and partner confidence: Companies with successful GMP audits have a significant competitive advantage, as it demonstrates a high level of commitment to product quality.

GMP audit process

  1. Preparatory Phase: This phase involves gathering and analyzing preliminary information about the company, its manufacturing processes and quality control systems. Key areas to be audited are identified.
  2. Conducting the audit: This includes inspection of manufacturing facilities, evaluation of documentation, interviews with personnel and data analysis. Auditors verify compliance with all aspects of GMP, including cleanliness of facilities, control of raw materials, manufacturing and packaging processes, and product traceability system.
  3. Final Report and Recommendations: After the audit is completed, a detailed report is prepared that includes the non-compliances identified and recommendations for corrective action. The company is given time to implement corrective actions and re-audit if necessary.

Advantages of working with professional auditors

Advantages of working with professional auditors

GMP-аудиты: Обеспечение
соответствия стандартам качества

  • Expert opinion: Professional auditors have in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of GMP, which allows them to effectively identify and analyze potential problems.
  • Objectivity: External auditors provide an independent assessment that avoids bias and provides an objective picture of the status of production processes and quality systems.
  • Timely identification of problems: Regular GMP audits help to detect and correct potential non-compliances in a timely manner, which reduces the risk of serious problems and improves the overall efficiency of the production process.

The services we provide:

  • GMP audits of pharmaceutical manufacturers for compliance with the requirements of the Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union approved by Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 3, 2016, No. 77:
  • Field audit of pharmaceutical manufacturers for compliance with the requirements of the Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 3, 2016 No. 77 and license requirements in accordance with Resolution No. 686 dated July 6, 2012;
  • Documentary audit, assessment of the enterprise using means of remote interaction;
  • Assessment of corrective and preventive action measures (CAPA);
  • Development of corrective and preventive action measures (CAPA);
  • On-site or documentary audit of contract, production site for compliance with the requirements of the Rules of Good Manufacturing Practice of the Eurasian Economic Union, approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated November 3, 2016 № 77 and license requirements in accordance with Resolution № 686 of July 6, 2012

How we work
Initial phase
Study of information about the enterprise, preparation and approval of the audit program (up to 5 working days)
Main stage
Проведение аудита, выявление несоответствий и формирование рекомендаций по их устранению (от 5 до 14 рабочих дней)
Final stage
Preparation of audit report, assessment of corrective and preventive action procedure (CAPA) (from 5 to 14 working days)
How we work
Initial phase
Study of information about the enterprise, preparation and approval of the audit program (up to 5 working days)
Main stage
Conducting an audit, identifying nonconformities and making recommendations for their elimination (from 5 to 14 working days)
Final stage
Preparation of audit report, assessment of corrective and preventive action procedure (CAPA) (from 5 to 14 working days)
Why us?
Большой опыт
Помимо предоставления консалтинговых услуг огромному количеству фармацевтических компаний, многие участники нашей имеют стаж более 5 лет работы в инспекторате России
Приоритеты и ресурсы
Верно расставленные приоритеты показывают профессионализм команды, а это у нас на высшем уровне. Правильное распоряжение ресурсами - наш конёк, с нами вы никогда не потеряете своего драгоценного времени.
Нами было проведено более 150 GMP-аудитов, огромное количество компаний производящих лекарственные средства доверяют нам.
Удовлетворенность клиента - наша главная цель.
В сфере фармацевтического производства наша команда от А до Я знает все необходимые требования для запуска производства и его дальнейшего продвижения на рынок
Мы всегда находим индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту. Не один наш клиент еще не оставался не доволен проделанной работой. Убедитесь в этом сами.
Работа по всему миру
Мы оказываем профессиональную помощь не только в режиме оффлайн, а также оказывам весь перечень услуг вне зависимости от вашего местоположения. Ваш комфорт - наша задача
Why us?
Extensive experience
In addition to providing consulting services to a huge number of pharmaceutical companies, many members of our team have more than 5 years of experience in the RF inspectorate
Priorities and resources
Верно расставленные приоритеты показывают профессионализм команды, а это у нас на высшем уровне. Правильное распоряжение ресурсами - наш конёк, с нами вы никогда не потеряете своего драгоценного времени.
We have conducted more than 150 GMP audits, a huge number of pharmaceutical companies trust us. Customer satisfaction is our main goal.
Working all over the world
Мы оказываем профессиональную помощь не только в режиме оффлайн, а также оказывам весь перечень услуг вне зависимости от вашего местоположения.
Ваш комфорт - наша задача
We provide professional assistance not only offline, but also provide a full range of services regardless of your location. Your comfort is our concern
In pharmaceutical manufacturing, our team knows from A to Z all the necessary requirements to start up a production facility and further market it
Client focus
We always find an individual approach to each client. Not one of our clients has not been dissatisfied with the work done. See for yourself.
Why us?

Clients about us

"The key to success is to create realistic expectations in customers, and then those expectations don't just have to be met, they have to be exceeded."
©Richard Branson
Clients about us
"The key to success is to create realistic expectations in customers, and then those expectations don't just have to be met, they have to be exceeded."
©Richard Branson
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+7 903 138 78 79
GMP audits
+7 903 138 78 79
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